ROH's Deloitte Ignite Festival 2015!!!
"You are taking your death too personally" Reaction to the NT Live recording of Everyman
It was fascinating to see the balletic choreography that goes into filming a NT Live performance!! Watching the cameras flying around the Olivier was a bonus spectacle in a captivating production with a great lead performance by Chiwetel Ejiofor.
The Motherf**ker with the Hat!!
I would of have had a great time at the National Theatre last night if it wasn't for some Motherf**ker with a Hat! If I find him I will go Van Damme on his ass.
If you love what you do, give your all for what you love.
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
What better way to start my blog page than to write about an event that happened on my birthday?! The wonderful team at the Curzon Chelsea surprised me with a Birthday cake and my first ever Oscar... (shaped Birthday card!!) While I don't think it is wise to write how old I became...let's just say I don't have to change my actor playing age (just yet).
Being an actor is a weird profession; it is acceptable for an actor to to spend more time out of work looking for their next role than actually...well, acting. The amount of times I have told friends, co-workers and family members that I am "resting", it wouldn't surprise me if they thought I could go into some form of hibernation this winter. I might even continue until Spring 2015 just to make sure I am well rested.
Now as Confucius said, if "you choose a job you love, you will never have to work another day in your life". Does this also apply to actors who don't work and spend most of their time trying to find work?! Yes it does as all that effort to find work and the inevitable rejection that comes with it, makes it even more joyous when you get the chance to act. If you love what you do, you will give your all for what you love. An actor who is hungry will not feel the need to rest. This blog christens many new beginnings: the first activity on this blogpage on my newly created webpage, the start of another year on this earth, new representation and a New Year is just around the corner...BRING ON 2015!!!